Aviation Solutions

Our in-flight tablet program provides hassle-free, continually-updated content to keep everyone happy.

We use the latest technology to provide a constantly expanding library of content. Our program requires no wi-fi, works internationally, and is available at a fraction of the cost of other options. Each tablet can be custom configured for passengers of all ages. We work with your in-flight service team to make sure everyone has plenty of bingeworthy options at their fingertips. We look forward to flying with you!

What Our Clients Say

Personalized Content On Time, Every Time

“Computer Smarts’ Team, I just want to thank you guys again so much for setting up the iPads for my client’s last trip! He and the family were psyched that you guys were able to get all of their last minute requests. It was a long flight and great entertainment definitely helped pass the time. We have another international trip coming up next month so you’ll be hearing from me soon!”

Dani G.
Corporate Flight Attendant